Interesting concept right from the title of the film, but what disappointed me the most, aside from its mediocre production and uneventful scenes, was its wasted potential. The story could have gone much further by giving the story more depth and perspective. I was thinking that I will indeed witness seven female characters each entering the frame one at a time. Instead the audience was shown just a handful of women just seemingly scheming to exact revenge and turn the story into a battle for money. I was thinking the protagonists were more convincing and invested in their performances, and the plot more concrete.
My Husband's Seven Wives
Action / Thriller
My Husband's Seven Wives
Action / Thriller
Tech specs
720p.WEB 1080p.WEBMovie Reviews
Something's Fishy!!!
At a key moment in "He Had Seven Wives," a group of women have gathered to plot revenge against the bigamist married to them all. When it is revealed that the husband had murdered yet another wife by feeding her shellfish to which she had a life-threatening allergy, one of the characters exclaims, "Something's fishy!!!"
The narrative needed more moments of levity like the one described above. The filmmakers struggled to find an appropriate style of dark comedy. The husband was in fact a deadly killer, yet the wives reacted to him in an inexplicably casual and even relaxed manner.
The cast worked hard to individualize the multiple wives. Unfortunately, there wasn't much dramatic tension or suspense throughout the film. It needed either an element of high camp or, at the other extreme, a genuine sense of menace about the dangerous game being played by a repellent and lunatic slimeball.