"A Part of You" aims at being a character-driven film that delves into the complexities of grief and adolescence. It follows Agnes, a 17-year-old girl portrayed by Felicia Maxime. The narrative unfolds slowly, as Agnes navigates the tumultuous emotions following the death of her popular older sister, Julia.
The film's weakness lies in its inability to capture the individuality of grief. It presents a teenage portrait that is intense but unrelatable.
The film is drawn out. Its slow build-up is intentional, mirroring the process of coming to terms with grief, but boring nevertheless. The movie does however, not shy away from difficult topics; a teenager coping with sudden and horrific loss.
Tech specs
720p.WEB 1080p.WEB 1080p.WEB.x265Movie Reviews
Ambitious attempt, but boring
A Missed Opportunity: A Critical Review of "A Part of You"
It is unfortunate to report that "A Part of You" falls flat with its banal storytelling and lack of character development. The characters remain strangers throughout, evoking no emotional connection-be it sadness, anger, happiness, or nostalgia for one's own youth.
Felicia Maxime stands out as a commendable performer, striving to propel the narrative forward. However, her efforts are undermined by the weak script and uninspired direction, resulting in a lackluster experience.
The film attempts to pay homage to "Show me Love," a classic renowned for its perfectly timed soundtrack that enhances the emotional depth. While the music in "A Part of You" is commendable, it fails to resonate on the same level. Unlike "Show Me Love," which evokes nostalgia, sadness, and love, this film misses these emotional marks entirely.
Upon viewing, I was left feeling empty and confused about the film's objective. There is no empathy for the characters, leaving the audience disconnected and unfulfilled.
Too boring
To be honest I was so disappointed watching this movie, It was so boring I was expecting something else.
Nothing really happened other than the fact that her sister died at the beginning, which was really out of contact because we as viewers didn't get to know her as much.
It was such a waste of time, there are so many good movie other than that one.
I didn't really get all the hype about it.
The only good thing I would say is that fact that Edvin Ryding act in this film but again it wasn't enough in order to save the movie.
He only got a few scenes and that's all.
I would not recommend at all.